10 of the best lesser-known walking trails in the UK

10 of the best lesser-known walking trails in the UK

Scenic, but seldom crowded, these long-distance paths have been hewn by the feet of rustlers and rebels, saints and kings


Greenwich Meridian Trail, East Sussex to east Yorkshire

Start Peacehaven
Finish Sand le Mere
273 miles, 25-30 days

The Greenwich Meridian Trail isn’t just a walk, it’s a hemisphere-straddling adventure. It follows the course of zero-degrees longitude from the Meridian Monument in Peacehaven, East Sussex, to Sand le Mere in East Yorkshire (where a meridian marker was placed in 1999 but, such is the rampant rate of coastal erosion, fell down in 2003). While dedicated to the historic navigational line, the trail wiggles to take in the most attractive countryside, slicing through the South Downs, North Downs, Greenwich, Epping Forest, the Lea Valley, rural Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, the Fens, the Lincolnshire Wolds and the Humber estuary.“It takes people away from the usual honeypots,” say the trail team at the Ramblers, “and encourages them to feel a connection between places.” Along the way are an eclectic selection of meridian markers – locate them via thegreenwichmeridian.org.

Guidebooks  The walk is divided into four parts, each covered by a separate guide containing maps, directions and advice on transport and accommodation. Available from greenwichmeridiantrail.co.uk, which also posts regular updates on route changes

St Cuthbert’s Way, Scottish Borders to Northumberland

Start Melrose
Finish Lindisfarne
62 miles, 5 days


Andy Halliday

Andy is a camping expert with over 20 years of outdoor experience. He shares his expertise through his blog that features on his very own e-commerce camping gear store. He aspires to use his knowledge and experience to help disabled families get the most out of every trip they take.

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